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Delivering the monograph "Strategic planning of sustainable agricultural and rural development of the local communities - model LC Jasenovo"

After several-months-lasting intensive work by the research team of the Institute of Agricultural Economics from Belgrade, and in a direct cooperation with the official representatives of the local community and representatives of some economic entities from the LC Jasenovo territory, by surveying many individual farmers – development-oriented husbandries, along with higher rank strategic documents estimation (of the Republic of Serbia, AP Vojvodina, South Banat district and the municipality of Bela Crkva), legal and other provisions, existing plans, projects and visions in the LC Jasenovo, acceptable suggestions and proposals of the Partner Forum members, Coordination Team members, Working Group members (in the following fields: Economic development; Environment protection and Social development), available statistical data and use of available up-to-date literature, was created a monograph „Strategic planning of sustainable agricultural and rural development of the local communities – model LC Jasenovo“.
The monograph publication was entirely funded by the Competitive Grants Scheme (CGS) within the STAR project, and which has been conducted under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.
Стратешко планирање одрживог пољопривредног и руралног развоја локалних заједница – модел МЗ Јасеново

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