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Organic production, use of biomass and reclamation of degraded soil as models of sustainable agriculture

Aiming to implement the project “Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region” (No. ИИИ 46006), financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Institute of Agricultural Economics, in cooperation with the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, was organized a lecture on:
“Organic production, use of biomass and reclamation of degraded soil as models of sustainable agriculture”

Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде
Presentation of the research results on the project 46006 on the topic was held on Tuesday, January 31st, at 11 a.m., in the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. Welcoming speech was prepared by M.A. Velimir Radojevic, President of Belgrade Cooperative Association and Professor Dr. Drago Cvijanovic, introducing all present audience with the complexity of the research on the project 46006, which he manages.
Within the lecture, the following representatives were took their part:
Dr. Jonel Subic, Director Assistant of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, on the topic “Methods for evaluation of ecological sustainability on agricultural husbandries”, as well as Svetlana Roljevic, agrifacult. eng. on the topic “Potentials of agricultural biomass use as an energy substance”.
Dr. Vladimir Filipovic, from the Institute Tamis Pancevo, who has spoken on the topic “Introduction to organic production and its social aspect” as well as Vladimir Ugrenovic, eng., who has pointed out to a “Significance of keeping a record in organic and conventional production” andProfessor Dr. Gorica Cvijanovic from the Megatrend University, who has paid attention on the results of the research with the topic “Biological reclamation of degraded soils”.

Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде
The lecture had an open access for all interested participants on the project, as well the institutions, which occupy themselves with these problems.
Among the present audience were also the president of the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Milan Jankovic, then Nada Miskovic, the president of the National Association for Organic Production Development, members of the project's research team from the Faculty of Agriculture – Belgrade, Faculty of Economics – Subotica, Faculty of Biofarming – Backa Topola, Institute Tamis and Institute of Agricultural Economics, as well as the representatives of several agricultural cooperatives, agricultural enterprises and non-governmental organizations.
Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде


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