Delegation of the IAE, Belgrade as part of their regular activities on the project "EU.WATER - Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the EUropean WATER emergency control" in the period between 19 - 21 October 2010 participed at the 3rd Scientific and Technical Partnership Forum - Steering Committe meeting" in Budapest, Hungary. In delegation from Serbia were Prof Drago Cvijanovic Ph.D, Director of IAE, Predrag Vukovic, MA. Research associate and Mile Stankovic, Director of the Institute "TAMIS", GIS expert. During the two-day work participants at the meeting discussed about the following topics and activities related to work on the project:
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- Intermediate evaluation of JTS on the progress of the projects approved under the first call, advices for the sounding management and the future perspective of South-East Europe program”, Alessandra Pala, SEE JTS
- Water resource management in Hungary, present and future, successes and problems”, Mr. Peter Kovach, Head of department, Ministry for Environment and Water Management, Hungary
- Knowledge capitalization: the work programme of WP3”, EURIS CTMS
- Common standards to upgrade existing maps addressed to high water sensitive and vulnerability zones in agriculture”, Aristotel University and round table
- Some case studies in the preparation of GIS-based maps of water sensitive zones”, the demonstrative case: Sarigkiol basin (Greece), the Romanian case study using AUTH`s methodology and its comparison with ROIMPEL model, ICPA Bucharest.
- Synthesis of the main issues related to the regional reports produced so far” Aristotel University
- The Transnational Strategy for Integrated Water Management in Agriculture: Proposals to go and partner’s inputs”, Region of Western Macedonia, Greece and Province of Ferrara, Italy
- Project communication activities, results: the work programme of WP2”, University of Debrecen, Hungary
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At the end of the meeting were adopted general conclusions of the meeting, the instructions and guidelines in which an action should be continue to flow, which presented by the leader partner Province of Ferrara, Italy.
а) Based on the current financial statements and the results which partners have achieved during the project and within the work package plan provided, as noted among others, the IAE of 100% planned of their activities in the previous work packages made of 100%, which was assessed as excellent results and publicly praised.б) Изнет је предлог тема за нови циклус пројеката о коме би чланови пројектног тима EU.WATER требали да се изјасне.
Leader partner proposed themes for the new cycle of projects on which the project team members EU.WATER supposed to hear. In total there are four proposed pilot themes:
- Externalities – clusters and specialist network development
- Climate Change Adaptation: assessing vulnerabilities and risks and translating them to implementation actions at the regional and local levels
- Greener intermodal solutions for accessibility
- Tackling the consequences of demographic change in SEE: migration and human capital as key for sustainable economic growth
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As explained the deadline for submission of applications is the end of February / beginning of March 2011, while the IAE its proposal for participation in future projects is to deliver by the end of 2010.
в) Given the difficulty of making maps of vulnerability and incompatibility of the methodology which put forward by the Greek and the Romanian partner, LP provides the possibility maintenance of the set (in the meantime plan provided for the regular meeting to be held in Rovigo, Italy), which should be held in Croatia in December 2010. Of the entire project team is expected that till the meeting in Rovigo, in accordance with the Leader partner and widely adopted methodology, making the appropriate maps of vulnerability of their target areas. Also, there is a possibility to set in Rovigo in accordance with the project activities postpone.
г) Bearing in mind that paying authority in Serbia (Ministry of Finance) has not signed and certified financial report that IAE submitted to them to time about six-month work on the EU.WATER project, and that in the same form (signed and stamped) is not forward to the leader partner (the Province of Ferrara in Italy), it is expected that in the future to establish contact between these institutions and resolve this dispute. However, the issue is topical and some other members EU.WATER project team.
During the two-day meeting host organized a tourist visit to Budapest, where everyone of present members of EU.WATER team had a opportunity to learn about the cultural and historical heritage of the Hungarian capital.