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Актуелни пројекти

Third intellectual Output - IO3

Movie 1

The economic, psycho-social and health determinants of the consumption of organic products”




Movie 2.1

“Shaping sustainable food business through innovation and consumer preferences.  Defining sustainable food business”




Movie 2.2

“Innovative ways in being sustainable in relation to food”




Movie 2.3

“Understanding consumer preferences”



Movie 3

“Economic effects of practicing and investing into the organic farming” 





Movie 4.1

“Organic agriculture: government policies aimed to promote production and export and implementation of a control system for

both exports and imports from or into the  European Union”


Movie 4.2


“Organic farming - the benefits of research and European funds financial support on the organic production”


Movie 5.1


“Financing entrepreneurial opportunities in the green economy”


Movie 5.2


“European sources of financing and successful projects”


Movie 6.1


“The impact of organic farming on the environment”


Movie 6.2


“Biochemical difference between organic and conventional foods.  A comparative study”


Movie 7.1


“Quality and safety of organic food: Estimation and perception”


Movie 7.2


“Financial Reporting of Biological Products. A review of Financial Reporting Rules”


Movie 8.1


“Smart Sensing and IoT Farming Optimization, Part 1”


Movie 8.2


“Smart Sensing and IoT Farming Optimization, Part 2”


Movie 8.3


“Smart Sensing and IoT Farming Optimization, Part 3”


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